Friday, October 12, 2018

Balance Reporting (With Photos)

Just follow these steps and photos to add MinerMore pool balance reporting to Awesome Miner.

Pool Balance will show up in "Coin (Wallet Balance)" on the top half of screen.

This will only report the "Balance" on the pool. It will not report any Immature or Mature coins.

  1. Click on "Balance Tab"; then "Configure Balance"

  2. Click "Add" under "Wallet Balance" section

  3. Enter the following information:
    Description: MinerMore
    Coin: Select from list
    Block Explorer API URL: https://
    Block Explorer API Balance Unit: Standard

  4. Click "Add" on bottom of window; enter the following (You will have to click in each item to edit)
    Label: Your Username
    Address (Public Key):

  5. Replace USER with your username and SYMBOL with the selected coin symbol (RVN for RavenCoin for example).

  6. Click "Test" to test settings and ensure everything is working.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Adding Enemy to Awesome Miner


Awesome Miner is well... Awesome! But it does not have nearly all the needed programs. One missing program is "Enemy" miner for x16r.

But not all is lost... You can add it yourself with this easy guide!

  1. Click Options:
  2. Select "Managed Software"
  3. Click "Add"
  4. Enter desired name of software, select compatible software (For enemy I selected ccminer) and then select what algorithms this miner can do. Then click "OK"
  5. Navigate over to "Profit Profiles" on left. Selected desired profit profile and click "Edit"
  6. Check the box next to the software name we just added, then click on the algorithms you want Awesome Miner to use this software for (in this case, I selected x16r & x16s. Have to do this individually for each algorithm). In the bottom right, select the name of the mining software you want to use for that algorithm (Enemy in this case). And add any additional command line options (like desired intensity). Then click "Configure"
  7. Select "Browse" and locate desired software ("z-enemy.exe" in this case). Then click "OK"
  8. Click "OK" to save your profit profile.
  9. All Set.
  • Note
    • Enemy is unable to benchmark via Awesome Miner Benchmark feature. Best way to benchmark any software is to do a "live" benchmark under load. For single GPU type machines (like 6x 1080 GPU rigs), once you have given ample "Ramp Up" time, you can right click the miner and select "Save Hashrate" A future guide on this will be written later and will encompass mixed GPU rigs like my system is.

If you like this guide and would like to donate, feel free to do so at the addresses below:

BTC: 1PZD4dqcG1vRtytX51qaTevqAjsgen6zRJ
BCH: qrqll0elfjhdtzedp0dqrfdq5ystwpm2lqc9mjh6a6
ETH: 0xe96Cb11C0525fCD70cB32Dbf467dF14B7f42e6F1

Friday, March 23, 2018

ZergPool LTC How-To


If your are like me and would prefer LiteCoin (LTC) as your preferred method of payout, below is how to get Zerpool (and any other Yiimp pools) to payout with LTC using Awesome Miner.

My version is Standard Edition v4.6 as of this writing. Instructions may change as later editions become available. So your mileage may vary.

If you are having any issues, feel free to join the ZergPool Discord server. ZergPool Discord

All photos can be enlarged by clicking on them.
  1. Click Options:

  2. Click "Online Services:"

  3. Highlight All ZergPool Algorithms and click "Bulk Edit":

  4. Check "Update Password:" and enter "c=LTC" (All caps for coin, no quotes):

  5. Go to "Profit Switching" and input your LTC address into the ZergPool "Bitcoin Address" field:
    NOTE: Make sure you do NOT have a BTC address in your "Profit Profile" "Override Pool" section for Zergpool!! It will override the wallet address and cause payment to fail. (Mining LTC to a BTC wallet).

  6. Can check "balances" tab in "Unpaid Balance" section. Zergpool should now list LTC as the currency:

  • Do not have Override Pool in profit profile selected with a BTC address... Will cause payment to fail. Must use a LTC wallet.

If you like this guide and would like to donate, feel free to do so at the addresses below:

BTC: 1PZD4dqcG1vRtytX51qaTevqAjsgen6zRJ
BCH: qrqll0elfjhdtzedp0dqrfdq5ystwpm2lqc9mjh6a6
ETH: 0xe96Cb11C0525fCD70cB32Dbf467dF14B7f42e6F1

Friday, February 9, 2018

Bitcoin Miner





Balance Reporting (With Photos)

Just follow these steps and photos to add MinerMore pool balance reporting to Awesome Miner. Pool Balance will show up in "Coin (Wal...